Node Registration

Scrapydd is a distributed system, mainly consist of two two roles: server and worker (also known as agent).

System administrator can add/remove node with the WebUI and some commands on the node machine.


There are two types of workers:

Temporary Node:
This type of worker runs without the need of pre-registration, and once it is closed for any reason, a new node will be created when it goes online again.
Permanent Node:
This type of worker needs to be registered before it can run. Each time its process go online back, it relates to the same Node.

Temporary node is intended to be use in small deployment to provide easier way to use, along with the enable_authentication settings set to false. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to enable authentication for any business use.

Registration Process

To register a Permanent Node, the Sys Admin need to operate the follow processes.

  1. Go to the Admin Area - Nodes Page.
  2. Copy New Node Key and SecretKey. Each pair of keys will last few minutes.
  3. Go to the worker machine, first check the server, tags settings under the agent section are set to appropriate value.
  4. Run scrapydd agent -g, input node_key and secretkey following the prompt.